/lingvosoft-dictionary.jsp Free online Chinese-Simplified English dictionary. LingvoSoft free online Chinese-Simplified dictionary.

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How to translate:
1. Type a word or cut and paste it from any application into the translation pane. Words starting with letter combinations will be displayed in the list below.
2. Click on the "Translate!" button.
3. If the word is not found, a list of possible entries beginning with the entered letters will appear.
4. Easily find words, specific letter combinations or expressions in the dictionary by using the search function. Just enter the word you want and click "Search!"
5. For tips on how to get the most out of the dictionaries and to improve your translations click here.

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Free On-line Dictionary Chinese-Simplified English

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Free Online Chinese-Simplified English dictionary

LingvoSoft Online Chinese-Simplified English put the most advanced language management and communication solutions at the tips of your fingers. The modern and convenient way to manage your multilingual communication needs they provide both state of the art text-to speech capabilities and full English transcriptions so you will always know the correct pronunciation of any word. A powerful and sophisticated service, the Online Dictionaries provide millions of combined entries accessed via a smart, user-friendly interface that is second to none. Some highlights include a convenient auto complete function, word tips, an in-line Thesaurus and instant reverse-translation. And to make it even more convenient, it even remembers your preferred dictionary and translation history eliminating the need to select your preferred language pair and direction every time you use it.

Able to pronounce words, its innovative Text-to-Speech feature is built on advanced human voice modeling. Now you no longer need to speak out transcriptions - simply select a word and, with a touch of the screen, have your device pronounce it for you.

You may place our online dictionaries on your site for free!


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